Good Energy Healing

Massage and Reiki/ Healing - Cologne - Altstadt Nord

Hi, I am Alex, and  I am a qualified and experienced Masseur & Spiritual Healer/ Reiki Master (9 and 19 years respectively) and offer SPORTS MASSAGE, HEALING/ REIKI- MASSAGE, HAWAIIAN MASSAGE and INDIAN FACE MASSAGE, as well as  SPIRITUAL HEALING/ REIKI or MEDITATION SERVICES from a separate Therapy Room at my home in Central Cologne (Altstadt Nord). Closest public transport being Heumarkt and Rathaus. Parking: Heumarkt Parking Garage. I am no more than a 10 Minute walk from the Cathedral/ Dom


SPORTS MASSAGE  could also be called SOFT TISSUE THERAPY, and it usually contains Deep Tissue Massage techniques. It is great if you are  looking for a deep and thorough massage, pre-event, post-event or maintenance massages, or help with common soft-tissue sports injuries. But it can also just as well help with other soft tissue problems e.g. acquired sitting at a desk et al. 
(see more under link - Sportsmassage)

HAWAIIAN MASSAGE (a mixture of LOMI-LOMI MASSAGE and KAHUNA BODYWORK) - is a truly beautiful type of massage. With it's long flowing strokes, which continuously cover you whole body, and the blessing of ALOHA, it endeavours to not only lull you into a deep state of blissful relaxation, but also to heal and up-lift your spirit.
(see more under link - Hawaiian Massage)

SPIRITUAL HEALING/ REIKI- MASSAGE relaxing, de-stressing and re-energizing. Aiming to not just massage your physical body, but in a way massage your soul and spirit as well. A deep and very thorough massage, yet designed to be comfortable throughout. My hands scan and massage your body, and may sometimes just stop to simply let the healing energies flow. (see more under link - Healing/ Reiki- Massage)

INDIAN FACE MASSAGE / REJUVENATING FACE LIFT MASSAGE is designed to be a gentle non-invasive, alternative approach to looking younger. It works primarily by freeing constrictions both within the facial muscles and in the connective tissues. INDIAN FACE MASSAGE / REJUVENATING FACE LIFT MASSAGE is truly ‘Holistic’ and it is based on ancient Indian techniques.
(see more under link - Face Lift Massage)


SPIRITUAL HEALING/ REIKI is a complementary therapy which works on a all levels , i.e. emotional, spiritual, mental and physical levels. It is usually experienced as very relaxing and re-energizing. SPIRITUAL HEALING/ REIKI supports and stimulates self-healing mechanisms of the body - sometimes with profound effects. I am happy to offer/ send SPIRITUAL HEALING/ REIKI as DISTANT HEALING worldwide. Furthermore if you are looking for someone for Spirit Release, or Space Clearing work, I am happy to help as well.
(see more under link - About healing). 

EMPATH HEALING - healing and support especially for empath (see more under link - Empath Healing)

MEDITATION SERVICES are Personalized Meditation Services, be they an Introduction to Meditation,  Meditation Support, or Guided Meditation Services. (see more under link - Meditation )

I try to run my business eco friendly, i.e. I use only vegan products, and a sustainable energy provider.

If you are interested in spirituality and the esoteric, my first book 'Tours and Cures of a Lightsoldier' can be ordered from Amazon or other retailers. 
For more info see
: Or follow me on Twitter

RATES (Incall)

My working hours are: Mon-Sun 1pm - 11:30pm

For Bookings please call/ text my mobile: 0049 (0) 151 5225 0450 (aktiv from Sept 2017)

Or e-mail:


The aim of my services and of the information on this website is to serve you with honesty and integrity. As much as I would like to promise you miracles (especially regarding Spiritual Healing), I cannot promise them. - I do though promise that I will always try to help to the best of my knowledge and with my heart and soul. I will endeavour to keep it realistic and meaningful!

Spiritual Healing/ Reiki or the Massages offered on this site are Complementary Therapies, they are NOT alternatives to medical or naturopathic treatment. If you are sick, please seek treatment from a doctor or naturopath. For an not all inklusive list of potential massage contraindications, please see my SPORTSMASSAGE page. If clients are under medical care (regardles for what ailment, even if not listed in before mentioned List of Contraindications), it is their responsibility to clear w�th their doctor/naturopath in how far massage is suitable!


Ich bin froh �ber die Jahre hinweg so viele nette, zuverl�ssige und respektvolle Kunden betreut zu haben. Allerdings bewahre ich mir trotzdem Sicherheitsma�nahmen vor, wie ein elektronische Kopie meines Buchungskalenders auf einem Netzserver zu hinterlegen. Dies beeinflusst allerdings nicht die strikte Einhaltung des Datenschutzes.

S�mtliche im Rahmen von Buchung und Behandlungen/Therapien erlangten Informationen unterliegen der Schweigepflicht seitens des Therapeuten.

Alle hier angebotenen Behandlungen, sind Wellness Behandlungen! Sie sollen das Wohlbefinden st�rken, und Gesundhaltung und und Pr�vention unterst�tzen. Sie stellen keine medizinische Leistungen dar und werden somit auch im Allgemeinen nicht von Krankenkassen bezahlt oder bezuschusst. Eine Kostenr�ckerstattung steht gegebenenfalls nur �ber die private Versicherung zu.
Es werden weder Diagnosen gestellt noch Symptome behandelt. Solltest Du unter behandlungsbed�rftigen gesundheitlichen St�rungen leiden, halte bitte vorher R�cksprache mit Ihrem Arzt und lasse Dir einen Verordnungsschein f�r Heilmassagen ausstellen.
So fern, trotz fachkundiger Anwendung, Folgesch�den auftreten, die darauf zur�ckzuf�hren sind, da� vom Patienten Ausschlussgr�nde verschwiegen wurden, ist der Therapeut von jeder Haftung freigestellt. Gleiches gilt f�r Sch�den, die dadurch entstehen, weil ein Ausschlussgrund dem Patienten selbst nicht bekannt und f�r den Therapeuten nicht erkennbar war.
F�r s�mtliche Sch�den, die dem Patienten aufgrund der Nichtbeachtung dieser Therapievereinbarung, des Anamneseblattes oder durch eigenes Verschulden entstehen, sind ausgeschlossen. Des weiteren wird darauf hingewiesen, dass f�r nicht erbrachte bzw. falsche Informationen seitens des Patienten ebenfalls keine Haftung �bernommen werden kann.